Welcome to National Institute of Co-Operative Development

about us

Our Vision

To be a Center for creating productive, inspired and innovative human resources conducive to the development of a vibrant and effective Co-operative Movement

Our Mission

To Empower the co-operative community by enhancing their knowledge and developing skills and attitudes that will increase creativity and entrepreneurship and an awareness of democratic principles.

Our History

The National Institute of Co-operative Development (NICD) which has played a key role in the development of the Co-operative Movement in Sri Lanka was functioning as the Sri Lanka Co-operative School under the Department of Co-operative Development from 1943 to 2001. Sri Lanka Co-operative School was re-organized as the National Institute Co-operative Development with the aim of expanding and of developing it as more independent body under the Act No. 1 of National Institute of Co-operative Development. The Institute was established in a 22-acre block of land near Mahaweli Diverting Dam at Polgolla Gramaniladhari Division, Pathadumabara Provincial Secretarial Division in the Kandy District where a conducive educational environment is available. The main objective of the Institute is to develop the knowledge and skills of people who serve in Co-operative Sector so that a more productive and efficient contribution to the field is obtained. The tools that are used by the Institution to enhance and update their knowledge include conducting Courses, Workshops, Counselling Programs, Research and Updating and maintaining Co-operative data systems, providing facilities for information communication and the development of liaison Co-operative Institutes. In order to supply a productive service, the National Institute of Co-operative Development possesses physical as well as human resources. The physical resources consist of the Mahinda Rajapaksha Auditorium with a seating capacity of 1120, Lecture Halls which includes the Main Hall, student accommodation, catering services, a Computer Laboratory, Audio-Visual Press facilities, a well-equipped Library and Parking facilities. The human resources consisting of 71 Staff Members is also extremely important. The National Institute of Co-operative Development has been functioning under the State Ministry of Trade, Commerce & Food Security. The Board of Management, consisting of 08 members headed by the Chairman, directs the administration of institutional affairs and the Academic Board appointed by the Board of Management supervises the academic affairs of the Institute. The Director General is the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute. The National Institute of Co-operative Development is playing an important role in the work of the Ministry of Co-operative Services & Marketing Development, in helping to overcome the present challenges being faced by the Ministry. The Institute has, in addition, been providing its services consistently during the last two decades, working in close collaboration with the Department of Co-operative Development, the Commission of Co-operative Workers and the National Co-operative Board.

Our Goals
  • Working collaboratively local as well as global Co-operative Movements to face outward challenges
  • Functioning as a leading Institute to fulfill requirements of Co-operative development
  • Productive Contribution to develop Co-operative policies
  • Input to create a more productive and efficient Co-operative service
Our Objectives
  • Developing services and providing them for external organizations
    Providing information, research and counselling relating to the Co-operative field
    Developing the Institutional Capacity

Institutional Role
  • Acting as a Centre for promoting and coordinating activities in the field of Co-operative development
    Providing training on Co-operative development by using modern technological methods
    Promoting research on Co-operative development
    Providing facilities for exchanging information and interacting with persons engaged in the Co-operative Development field.
    Acting as a resource center for collecting data in the area of Co-operative Development and, collating and circulating such collected data through publications
    Conducting academic and training courses related to Co-operative Development and awarding certificates and making special awards for the people who get through the prescribed examinations
    Accepting and training of Co-operative entrepreneurs who need management skills
    Providing professional instructions to Co-operative entrepreneurs
    Establishing model Co-operative Villages, Co-operative Trade Centers and Provincial Centers
    Working collaboratively with other organizations whether locally or globally established, which perform similar functions to our Institute

Head of NICD

V.P.K. Pilapitiya

    Director General & CEO


    Board of Management

    • Mr.W.U. Herath - Chairman Ex- Officio Member
    • National Institute of Cooperative Development, Polgolla.

    • Mrs. V.P.K . Pilapitiya - Director General and Chief Executive Officer (Head of the Institute and Board Member) - Officio Member
    • National Institute of Co -operative Development, Polgolla / Additional Secretary (Admin) Ministry of Trade, Commerce, Food Security and Cooperative Development

    • Mrs. H.A. Hapuarachchi - Commissioner/ Registrar, - Officio Member
    • Department of Co -operative Development

    • Mr. R.M.P.S. Abeyrathna - Board Member- Officio Member
    • Deputy Director (Planning) Ministry of Education

    • Mr. G.D.S Weerasiri - Board Member - Officio Member
    • Chairman, National Co - operative Council

    • Mrs.Champika Pathirana - Additional Director General - Officio Member
    • Department of Management Audit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

    • Mr.P.V. Pathirana - Board Member - Appointed by the Minister
    • National Institute of Co - Operative Development, Polgolla

    • Mr.H.M.N.Herath Banda - Board Member - Appointed by the Minister
    • National Institute of Co - Operative Development, Polgolla

    • Mrs. S.P.H.Perera - Ex-Officio Member
    • Deputy Director Ministry of Trade, Commerce, Food Security and Cooperative Development

    Board of Study

    • V.P.K. Pilapitiya - Chairman
    • Director General & CEO National Institute of Co-operative Development - Polgolla, Sri Lanka

    • Professor. R.P.I.R. Prasanna - Member
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    • Mr. W.V.D.S.M. Warakagoda - Member
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    • Mr. Chandana Fonseka - Member
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    Divisions and Functions of the Divisions

    The National Institute of Co-operative Development tenders its services under main 05 Divisions as mentioned below.

    • Establishment Division
    • The duties handled by this Division are as follows: Affairs of the Board of Management, Establishment matters, Registration of students, Examination work, Procurement matters, Human and Physical resource development affairs, Agreement services such as security and sanitary services and Maintaining the Website.

    • Academic Division
    • Academic Affairs attended by the Division - Planning, Developing and conducting academic and training courses, Course evaluation, Co-operative research activities, Counselling services for Co-operative enterprises, Providing Library facilities, Maintaining the Co-operative information system and the Affairs of the Academic Board.

    • Accounts Division
    • Preparing the Annual Budget, the Procurement plan, Monthly accounts summaries, Annual academic accounts, Answers to audit queries and Keeping accounts for all income and expenditure are the duties undertaken by the Accounts Division.

    • Hostel Division
    • Reservation of the Mahinda Rajapaksha Auditorium and connected office work, managing lecture halls including the main hall, reservation of rooms in hostels and matters relating to income generated from the facilities provided, including food for workshops and seminars are the functions of the Accommodation Division.

    • Internal Audit Division
    • Preparing the Annual internal audit plan, implementing it and attending to the affairs of the Audit Management Committee are the duties of the Division.

    Courses of Studies

    The following 20 courses have been conducted during the year:

    • Diploma Courses 11
      Certificate Courses 03
      Free Courses 41
      Short term Courses 20
      Total 75

    The brief account of the courses is as follows,

    • Diploma Courses
    • In the year 2022, a Cooperative Development Diploma Course for North Central/Southern Provincial Cooperative Development Officers and 07 Diploma Courses for Cooperative Society Officers and Information Technology Diploma Course for Cooperatives and Non-Cooperative Parties have been conducted.
      • 1 Diploma in Business Management
        2 Diploma in Auditing
        3 Diploma in Human Resources Management
        4 Diploma in Bank Management
        5 Diploma in Micro Finance Management
        6 Diploma in Accounting
        7 Diploma in ICT (NVQ Level 05)

    • Certificate Courses
      • 1 Certificate Course in Office Automation
        2 Certificate Course in Computer Application Assistance (CAA – NVQ Level 03)
        3 Certificate Course in English

    • Short Term Courses
      • 1 Workshop on Introducing Bank Monitoring
        2 Training Workshop on Secretarial Practice
        3 Advanced Excel 2- Use of Excel for accounting purposes
        4 Training Workshop on Skill Development of Using Auditing Standards
        5 The role of board members in creative cooperative management
        6 Training Workshop on Bad Debt Management
        7 Training Program on Fuel Station Management
        8 Training Workshop on a successful salesperson's journey
        9 Training Workshop on Service Initiation
        10 Training workshop on group credit system introduction
        11 Training Workshop for Rural Bank Internal Auditor
        12 Training Workshop on Development of Refereeing Skills
        13 North Central Local Government Department Drivers Career Development Training Workshop
        14 Database Management System (MS Access) Basic Course
        15 Training Workshop on Empowerment of Referee Grants
        16 Training Workshop for Executive Officer of Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societies
        17 Matara District Sanasa Samiti Union District Union Promotion Officers Career Development Training Workshop
        18 Matara District Sanasa Samiti Association Management Assistants Career Development Training Workshop